The most understated, money making, business machine that we manufacture. The profit margins and return on capital are arguably the highest in this venture. Current competition is extremely low, an all year round winner with awesome export potential.
Statistics show that more than 4,2 million bars of soap are used in South Africa on a daily basis.
Research also shows that the European, American and East Asian consumer is becoming very fond of rare exotic soaps. For example, there is a huge demand in the Canadian market for Rooibos Exotic Soap, and companies selling them on the Internet sell them for +/- $5.00 and you are able to manufacture them for less than R0.70. A survey held recently pointed out that wholesalers, retailers, spaza shops and distributors; especially those operating in the township environment; have extensive turn around periods; these soaps are usually sold in 250g (Retail Price +/- R2.80, manufacturing cost on the machine +/- R0.94) and 500g bars (Retail Price: R4.99, manufacturing cost on the machine +/- R1.88). Manufacturers and suppliers of laundry soap are limited in South Africa, which leaves one with the assumption that the potential market in South Africa is promising! Cash business (depending on market sector). Simple manufacturing process (one manufacturing process). Easy administration (very few product lines and variations). High demand for product. Easy to market Related Available Machines
Liquid Detergent Manufacturing Machine
Soap Powder Manufacturing |
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